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Cut Ready for


This project is ready to be cut on a CrossFire CNC Machine.
Input your own cut settings on download to customize this file for your specific project.


Get Lost and Keep Searching.

Creative Commons - Attribution

You may distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon this work, even commercially, as long as you credit John S Downs for the original creation.


2 years ago





  • Bigfoot clock.jpg
  • Bigfoot Clock.dxf
  • Bigfoot Clock.tap
  • David Zuchniak - 2 years ago
    What are you using for your clock movements? Also, are those sticks for the hands?

    John S Downs (OP) - 1 year ago
    I found some clock movements with those awesome stick hands on Amazon. They are made of wood and much better than the flimsy aluminum ones.

  • Shawn - 10 months ago
    What diameter is the clock face?

  • Randel Leach - 8 months ago
    Awesome file, is there anyway to update the g code to work with the new fire control with torch height control?

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