LiteHouse Monogram Signs

12 Like

Recently a customer contacted me asking if I was able to recreate a monogram photo she sent me I said I will give it a try so I recreated it for her and she loved it and will be picking it up next Thursday. You're free to do with this design as you wish. I include the SVG in all the files I share so you may modify it as you wish. Please hit that like button if you download any of the files I share to the public free. Happy Cutting

Creative Commons - Attribution

You may distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon this work, even commercially, as long as you credit DogCreekCustoms for the original creation.


5 months ago





  • litehouse.PNG
  • LiteHouseMonogram.svg
  • Patty Stoltz - 4 months ago
    This is beautiful. Can't wait till i can figure out fusion and can change it to a gcode

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